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Energy and emissions trading is one of the fastest growing financial disciplines related to risk management. In practice, this means that we, as a financial intermediary, help our clients manage their energy and emissions risk by trading their positions. As we are strengthening our business in PL, CZ, and SK, we are looking for a Polish, Czech, or Slovak speaking professional for our Energy and Emissions Trading desk in Prague. Qualifications: 1. Speak fluent Polish and Czech or Slovak (good English is a plus); 2. Target oriented, people/marketing oriented, ambitious and hardworking; 3. Energy trading skills welcome but not required. 4. Energy auditor skills welcomed but not required. 5. College education We offer: 1. Competitive compensation with a significant % share on the profit earned; 2. Day-to-day involvement in interesting transactions. Please, send CV in Word (not PDF) attached. Contact: Mariana Radova-Diallo: +420 227 316 028, office. manager@pravd

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